Black-throated Green-warbler (female)
Photo by Maynor Ovando

MoSI is the abbreviation for Monitoreo de Sobreviviencia Invernal - Monitoring Overwintering Survival Program is a research managed by the Institute for Bird Populations (IBP) along Latin America to estimate statistics of overwintering and survival rates and indices of physical conditions of a group of 25 target bird species.
The MoSI program is based in a protocol of 5 pulses of mist net operation in an area of at least 20 ha, called a “MoSI Station”. This station is placed in a habitat of interest where the target bird species can be captured in good numbers.
Wing feather examination
Photo by Maynor Ovando

A pulse is equivalent to 16 mist nets operated during 3 consecutive days; it means 15 days of work for a winter season. The protocol ask for specific information like weight, sex, age (determined by feather examination and skull pneumatization) and finally banding individuals to track them in future pulses.
All data collected are sent to IBP to analyze them and take the proper actions in conservation efforts.

Banding birds for monitoring
Photo by Maynor Ovando

Guatemala has been part of this program and many ornithologists an birders has been involved in training workshops to collaborate with this important task. These pictures were taken in a MoSI station in a pine-oak forest in Sierra de las Minas Biosphere Reserve.
Posted by Maynor Ovando is a registered trademark of Martsam Tour & Travel Copyright® 2,008


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