Chichicua (Spilotes pullatus)

Tiger Rat Snake (Spilotes pullatus)
Chichicua is the common name for Tiger Rat Snake (Spilotes pullatus), member of Colubridae family, a well known snake in Guatemala. It’s an arboreal, non venomous snake who has a very distinctive behavior when feels in danger: expels a strong smell and inflates its neck vertically to seem lethal. That’s why when someone in Guatemala is really angry we say “angry like Chichicua…”

Lemuel handling the snake

During a visit to Uaxactún, we found this one crossing the road and Lemuel handled it to show us the beauty of the colors and the incredible way to self defense.

Benedicto taking some pictures

As you can see birding is just the perfect reason to go outdoors and enjoy nature in all ways...

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