Bird Watching Guatemala
The rain forest:
The tropical rain forests areas are the richest in botanic species in the world. Yaxha is a representative area of this type of forest do to its abundance of water sources that favors a great diversity of fauna. Recent studies have reported 40 mammal species, 14 amphibious, 45 reptiles, 22 fish and 150 types of birds.

With the correct integration and conservation of the natural and cultural patrimony it can be accomplished that foreign and national tourists can identify themselves with this great nature


Yaxha is located in the Riviera of the lake with the same name and extends over a cliff that is connected to the beach by a trail for about 3 km. Yaxha has around 500 structures aconditionated by nivelations and terraces in descendent order from East to West. Even though Yaxha is the third largest Mayan city in Guatemala after Tikal And El Mirador.
For more information about your vacations in Guatemala please feel free to contact us,
Calle 30 de junio
Ciudad FloresPeten, Guatemala
San pedro El Alto 3001
PH: (502) 5705 6904
FAX: (502) 7882 4427
2222 Benz View
Kingwood TX 77339
PH: (305) 395 3935

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Birdwatching Guatemala is a registered trademark of Martsam Tour & Travel


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