Wading birds

Herons and Egrets are representative from wetlands, rivers, lagoons and ponds. In a typical birding trip along La Pasión River you can find at least ten species perched in marsh vegetation.
Vegetation along La Pasión River
Photo by Maynor Ovando

A very common member of this kind is the Green Heron, when you observe it while hunting, you can notice how spoils the neck and slings it to catch a prey so fast that the human eye can’t follow the movement.
Green Heron

Another numerous bird is the Cattle Egret, an African species widespread along the World. Most times observed in pastures following insects, but it’s not a strange near water bodies too.
Cattle Egret
Guatemala, with its great variety of ecosystems, it’s always an invitation to visit any corner and enjoy a complete bunch of birds.

Posted by Maynor Ovando

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